"Ralph Senensky responde a otras preguntas de la entrevista".
23:45 horas/ Lunes 21 de Noviembre de 2011/ Publicado por Alberto Angulo Morales
Trás el buen resultado por la entrevista que le realizé a RALPH SENENSKY, director del episodio "El tren (The Train)" de Mission Impossible, he podido conseguir que me respondiera a unas preguntas que le mandé por correo sobre el rodaje del episodio filmado en febrero de 1967. A continuación os publico dichas preguntas junto con las respuestas del señor Senensky. Debido a su trabajo no he podido contactar con él por facebook pero me dejó hace unos minutos sus respuestas. Gracias Ralph por responder y que ya sabes que missionimpossible-spain ya es tu casa. De todas formas y aunque esta vez sea algo diferente, la segunda parte de la entrevista sería ésta:
Alberto Angulo Morales
Was easy to shoot in Union Pacific Yards?. Could you tell me all the locations in which they filmed "The Train".
(¿Fue fácil rodar in Union Pacific Yards?. Me podría decir todos los lugares en los que se filmó "The Train").
There was only one day scheduled for the train yard. To help me get everything completed in that one day I was allowed to film with two cameras. Filming moving trains is not as difficult as it may seem. The big problem was the number of sequences scheduled for that day. There was a wonderful production manager assigned to the show, Barry Crane. A couple of years before I had had a similar problem filming a local location on the streets of Los Angeles where the day was over-scheduled with work. My production manager on that show and I devised a scheme whereby some shots that did not require sound and were mere action shots could be planned by me but directed as a second unit by the production manager. It had helped me complete that day's impossible schedule, so Barry and I decided that's what we would do when filming the train yards. And that's what we did. I ended up filming 69 setups that day, a seemingly impossible feat. When the film was completed I attended an answer print viewing at CBS, also attended by agents from the ad agencies representing the show's sponsors. One of them questioned me at the end of the viewing, "How many days did you spend filming the train yard?" When I responded, "One," they all found it difficult to believe.
(Sólo había un día programado para la zona de los trenes. Para que me ayudaran a conseguir en completar todo en un día, se me permitió filmar con dos cámaras. Filmar los trenes en movimiento no es tan difícil como puede parecer. El gran problema era el número de secuencias programadas para ese día. Hubo un gerente maravilloso de producción asignado para la serie, Barry Crane. Un par de años antes yo había tenido un problema similar para filmar una ubicación local en las calles de Los Ángeles, donde fue el día más regular con el trabajo. Mi jefe de producción en ese programa y yo inventamos un plan para que algunas fotos que no requerían de sonido y las escenas de acción fueron únicamente planificadas por mí, con una unidad dirigida por el segundo jefe de producción. Me habían ayudado a completar el horario que fue imposible en ese día, por lo que Barry y yo decidimos que es lo que teniamos que hacer al filmar en los alrededores del tren. Y eso es lo que hicimos. Terminé el rodaje con 69 secuencias ese día. Una hazaña que parecía imposible. Cuando la película se completó, asistí a un evento de la primera copia de la CBS, que también asistieron los agentes de publicidad que representaron a los patrocinadores de la serie. Uno de ellos me preguntó al finalizar el episodio,"¿Cuántos días pasaste filmando en la estación de trenes?" Cuando le respondí, "Uno", todos ellos les resultaba difícil de creer).
Alberto Angulo Morales
Greg Morris driving the train?.
(¿Greg Morris conducía el tren?).
Alberto Angulo Morales
Greg Morris driving the train?.
(¿Greg Morris conducía el tren?).
No, although Greg Morris' character seemed to be driving the train's engine, Greg Morris did NOT drive the train. There was an engineer in the cab (off camera) with him who was actually in charge. Greg Morris was ACTING the role of the train's engineer.
(No, aunque el personaje de Greg Morris parecía ser el que conducía, Greg Morris no conduce el tren. Había un ingeniero en la cabina (fuera de cámara) con lo que en realidad era a su cargo. Greg Morris estaba actuando como el papel del ingeniero del tren).
(No, aunque el personaje de Greg Morris parecía ser el que conducía, Greg Morris no conduce el tren. Había un ingeniero en la cabina (fuera de cámara) con lo que en realidad era a su cargo. Greg Morris estaba actuando como el papel del ingeniero del tren).
Alberto Angulo Morales
How was it working with Barbara Bain, Martin Landau, Greg Morris and Peter Lupus and other actors who appear in "The Train".
(¿Como fué trabajar con Barbara Bain, Martin Landau, Greg Morris y Peter Lupus y otros actores que aparecen en "El tren"?).
Ralph Senensky
As I wrote before, that is my favorite unfavorite question when being interviewed. To begin with filming an epic like THE TRAIN in 7 days allows no time to get acquainted. And everyone of those actors was a complete stranger to me the first day we met on the set as the show began. The roles in MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE were also a deterrent to "getting acquainted". Each of the actors was playing a character in a plot, and in the case of this episode there was no emotional interaction with anybody. They literally were doing actions that were not unlike those usually done by extras. Barbara was a nurse. Greg was the train engineer and then the man running the sound equipment. Peter was just a lookout scout. Everything very impersonal. So all I can say is they were charming, professional and I would like to have known them better. You asked another question about Steven Hill. Steven at that point was the top-billed star of the series. He was the leader of the Mission gang while Martin Landau at that point was not a regular on the series, he was an oft-repeating guest star. But Steven had been having problems with the studio from the beginning of his working on the series. When filming television series, night filming was usually scheduled for Friday nights to accommodate union regulations with actors and crew. Steven was an orthodox Jew and refused to work Friday nights, because it was the Sabbath. By the time they reached this episode near the end of the first season, I think plans were already under way to terminate Steven's involvement with the series. In this episode he only did the introductory duties: he received the mission and then assigned the duties. Guest star Martin Landau was then assigned to the duties that Steven would normally have done and another guest star, William Schallert, was hired to perform the duties that normally would have been performed by Landau. Again Steven like everyone was totally charming and professional. I was aware that it must have been difficult for him to accept the demotion and admired him for the way he conducted himself on the set. And I add I think he is a hell of a good actor..
Alberto Angulo Morales
How was it working with Barbara Bain, Martin Landau, Greg Morris and Peter Lupus and other actors who appear in "The Train".
(¿Como fué trabajar con Barbara Bain, Martin Landau, Greg Morris y Peter Lupus y otros actores que aparecen en "El tren"?).
Ralph Senensky
As I wrote before, that is my favorite unfavorite question when being interviewed. To begin with filming an epic like THE TRAIN in 7 days allows no time to get acquainted. And everyone of those actors was a complete stranger to me the first day we met on the set as the show began. The roles in MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE were also a deterrent to "getting acquainted". Each of the actors was playing a character in a plot, and in the case of this episode there was no emotional interaction with anybody. They literally were doing actions that were not unlike those usually done by extras. Barbara was a nurse. Greg was the train engineer and then the man running the sound equipment. Peter was just a lookout scout. Everything very impersonal. So all I can say is they were charming, professional and I would like to have known them better. You asked another question about Steven Hill. Steven at that point was the top-billed star of the series. He was the leader of the Mission gang while Martin Landau at that point was not a regular on the series, he was an oft-repeating guest star. But Steven had been having problems with the studio from the beginning of his working on the series. When filming television series, night filming was usually scheduled for Friday nights to accommodate union regulations with actors and crew. Steven was an orthodox Jew and refused to work Friday nights, because it was the Sabbath. By the time they reached this episode near the end of the first season, I think plans were already under way to terminate Steven's involvement with the series. In this episode he only did the introductory duties: he received the mission and then assigned the duties. Guest star Martin Landau was then assigned to the duties that Steven would normally have done and another guest star, William Schallert, was hired to perform the duties that normally would have been performed by Landau. Again Steven like everyone was totally charming and professional. I was aware that it must have been difficult for him to accept the demotion and admired him for the way he conducted himself on the set. And I add I think he is a hell of a good actor..
(Como te escribí antes, esa es mi pregunta favorita al ser entrevistado. Para comenzar con la filmación de una epopeya, como "el tren" en 7 días, no deja tiempo para conocernos. Y cada uno de los actores era un completo desconocido para mí el primer día que me reuní en el set para comenzar con la serie. Los papeles en MISSION IMPOSSIBLE también fueron un impedimento para "familiarizarse". Cada uno de los actores interpretaron a un personaje en una trama, y en el caso de este episodio no hubo interacción emocional con nadie. Que, literalmente, estaban haciendo acciones que no se diferencia de los que habitualmente realiza ban los extras. Barbara era una enfermera. Greg era el ingeniero del tren y luego la persona que se encargaba del equipo de sonido. Peter era un explorador de observación. Todo muy impersonal. Así que todo lo que puedo decir es que era encantador, profesional y me hubiese gustado conocerles mejor. Hiciste otra pregunta acerca de Steven Hill. Steven en ese momento era la máxima estrella de la serie. Él era el líder del grupo de la Misión, mientras que Martin Landau en ese momento no era un regular en la serie, fue una estrella invitada con frecuencia. Sin embargo, Steven había estado teniendo problemas con el estudio desde el comienzo de su trabajo en la serie. Al filmar la serie de televisión, filmando la noche estaba programado para el viernes por la noche por lo general para adaptarse a la normativa de la unión con los actores y los creadores. Steven era un Judio ortodoxo y se negó a trabajar los viernes por la noche, porque era el día de sábado. En el momento en que llegaron a este episodio, cerca del la final de la primera temporada, creo que los planes ya estaban en curso para terminar con la participación de Steven con la serie. En este episodio, que sólo hizo los deberes de presentación, él recibió la misión y las funciones asignadas. La estrella invitada, Martin Landau, fue asignado para realizar el trabajo que Steven normalmente tenía que hacer, y otra estrella invitada, William Schallert, fue contratado para realizar el trabajo de Landau. Una vez más, Steven, como todo el mundo, era totalmente encantador y profesional. Yo era consciente de que debió haber sido difícil para él aceptar el descenso de categoría y le admiraba por la forma en que actuó en el set. Y añado, que yo creo que es un infierno de un buen actor).
Así fue como recibí las nuevas respuestas del señor Senensky. La verdad es que es una gran labor la que hace colaborando en mi blog de la serie. Una vez más Ralph, gracias por responder a las preguntas que quedaron atrás desde la entrevista. Como siempre eres bienvenido a missionimpossible-spain. Un saludo Ralph.
www.missionimpossible-spain.blogspot.com - Noticias del 2011 - Alberto Angulo Morales